Bug Tracking / Changes


Saturday, July 23, 22:30 GMT

Want to report a bug or submit a request? Please do so at the MU2 support forums at X-Pilot.com

Issues Since 2.0.0 release


  • [FIXD] ---- Toe brakes issue: Several tweaks to brake code to get working with hardware and key commands.

  • [FIXD] ---- Strobes / Lights stay on: following aircraft shutdown. Lights were not correctly wired into their proper electrical busses

  • [FIXD] ---- Avitab mount missing: Added into all variants.

  • [FIXD] ---- Texture Quirk: GPSS text on G600 variant conflict.

  • [FIXD] ---- Tweaked electric pitch trim to avoid delay before trim begins to move when using pitch trim commands. Can now "tap" trim for small inputs.

  • [FIXD] ---- Barometer Command Mapping: Also added NEG flag for altimeter readings below zero.

  • [FIXD] ---- Mode C OEM fix: OEM transponders 1 and 2 now implemented with Mode C. Each transponder properly wired to its respective fuse and bus.

  • [FIXD] ---- Inconsistent EGT behavior: on engine restarts.

  • [FIXD] ---- ALT set speed adjustment: Click and hold for rapid coarse adjustments (3000'/ sec). Use single mouse click/scrollwheel click for 100' increment changes.

  • [FIXD] ---- Fuel Capacity Discrepancy: Fixed discrepancy in total fuel capacities.

  • [FIXD] ---- Swapped Radio Switches: Left-most Radio Master Switch now controls Left Hand Radio Bus, and right>right

  • [FIXD] ---- TCS/CWS Steering: TCS/CWS would not cancel active vertical modes and erroneously revert to previous mode on release. Now cancels all modes, reverts to pitch hold

  • [FIXD] ---- Turn/Slip Indications: Improper animations of slip and turn indication on the ground.

  • [FIXD] ---- Reversed OM/IM Lights:

  • [FIXD] ---- Trim Tab Reversed Animation Fixed.


  • [CNG] ---- Changed prefs: Chocks, Intake/Pitot covers, yoke lock are now true saved prefs/action. These prefs are not forced in place for cold and dark.

  • [CNG] ---- Changed Flaps 0º indicator light to Green instead of amber

  • [CNG] ---- Autopilot pitch wheel now spins continuous without limit. It will simply increase/decrease the target pitch angle.

  • [CNG]---- Changed mapping of the pilot trim switch manipulator to default x-plane commands below. The manipulators for the individual trim buttons were removed.

  • [CNG] ---- Power Dentent Ratio preference description changed to Hardware Power Detent Ratio to be a slightly more clear.

  • [CNG] ---- Rearranged GUI window slightly with added preference for Auto-stop power levers at dentent see Hardware Config

  • [CNG] ---- Documentation on hardware configuration both power and condition levers. New hardware configurations for Version 2.01. See hardware_setup


  • [ADD] ---- Flaps Axis Mapping: Users can now map a continuous axis to "Flaps" and the flap lever will snap to the detented positions as you move your lever.

  • [ADD] ---- Yoke Manipulator for VR:. Also included new preference to hide yoke manip if desired.

  • [ADD]---- Added preference to expose the quadrant lever manipulators with hardware installed. (TODO: Tie into Ghost throttle graphics in near future)

  • [ADD]---- TBM style hardware throttle with associated lift levers command. For hardware throttles with no detents. Avoids accidental BETA.

  • [ADD] ---- AP trim wheel commands: The following commands will drive the autopilot pitch trim wheel to change AP target pitch ~ 1º/second

  • [ADD] ---- Landing Light Commands: Added the following commands to control the landing light switches. Also corrected labeling issue on the overhead. Caution, landing light switches are now reversed per the real thing. No command provided for the OFF position.

    sim/lights/landing_01_light_on      //  moves left landing light switch to EXT
    sim/lights/landing_01_light_off     //  moves left landing light switch to RET
    sim/lights/landing_02_light_on      //  moves right landing light switch to EXT
    sim/lights/landing_02_light_off     //  moves right landing light switch to RET
    sim/lights/landing_lights_on        //  moves both landing light switches to EXT
    sim/lights/landing_lights_off       //  moves both landing light switchest to RET
  • [ADD] ---- Added the following commands to move the condition levers in/out of the EMER STOP position

    xscenery/mu2b60/both_condition_levers_to_EMERSTOP   //  commands both levers to the EMER STOP position
    xscenery/mu2b60/both_condition_lever_to_TAXI        //  commands both levers from EMER back to TAXI
    xscenery/mu2b60/toggle_both_emergency_stop          //  toggles both levers between EMER and TAXI
  • [ADD] ---- Added the following trim commands for two-button trim switch configurations, A/B

  • [ADD] ---- Added the following commands to lift individual Power Levers. Uses with TBM style dual throttles. See joystick config for implementation.

  • [ADD] ---- throttle quadrant gate/detent sounds.

  • [ADD] ---- Chocks can be removed by "clicking" on them.

  • [ADD] ---- Added link in MU2 docs to the X-Plane docs on Hardware configuration management.

  • [ADD] ---- Added sounds for throttle detent, so users can distinguish when transitioning between modes (ALPHA/BETA).


  • [--NONE--] ---- For Version 2.01 update.